Monday, April 27, 2009

Dad, The Girls and St. George

This last weekend while I enjoyed a girls weekend with Elisabeth and Katy (I'll post about our weekend later) Eric took both girls to St. George and hung out with my family. They said they had a great time and there were plenty of funny things going on - which is bound to happen when Spencer and Eric are together. They went swimming, took the girls for donuts (and lost Ava in the process), ate at Cafe Rio and In N Out, went bowling, and played and played!! Spencer, Judd (Becca's boyfriend) and Braden (Rachel's fiance) got 12 x 12's at In N Out - that is 3 lbs. of ground beef and they ate it all. Disgusting. Another equally disgusting thing is that Spencer bit the head off of a live cricket and chewed and swallowed it. Why? Who knows. The girls loved playing with Ava and seeing new baby Gavin. My mom and Becca both informed me that they knew I was not around when things happend like London waking up Becca the first morning with her hair going crazy and eating a bowl of M&M's with a spoon. Nice. London's hair was never combed the entire time, she never took a bath and she rarely had more than underwear on. Livy I think tried to pull herself together but no doubt it wasn't quite what things would have been like had I been there. Both girls were allowed to stay up a little later than they should have and who knows what other odd things were allowed to happen. I'm not sure I want to know. Anyway, I'm grateful for such a wonderful husband who was willing to take the girls on a road trip all by himself. The girls always have fun with their dad and I think a very good weekend was had by everyone :).


Ashley C. said...

Oh man I love when Dads are in charge! It is always so funny. That was indeed super awesome of Eric to take the girls. Way to go Eric.

And Spencer... i hope we get a repeat of cricket eating at beachweek? Oh wait,,, maybe i dont want to see that!

We love the Hydes... :)

Stephanie said...

Your girls are so cute! I love all of their "poses" in the swimsuit photos. Did you orchestrate that or did they do that on their own?

That "potty in the car" picture looks very familiar. We have the Boon potty too and carry it around in our trunk. It's much more sanitary than public restrooms and it's nice to be able to stop *anywhere*...