Thursday, March 19, 2009

Potty Training, Braces and Painting

I think we are pretty much potty trained! Yeah!! It has been a rough week but thankfully I can now see that we are nearing the end! I hate potty training. I really hate potty training. I was not ready to start it with London but she kept asking to go potty so I didn't feel I had a choice. So, we started Monday and it was a very bad day. We had five accidents and no real successful trips to the potty. Tuesday was much better and Wednesday was great. She has an accident every now and then but it is just because she doesn't pull down her underwear fast enough and she ends up going right in front of the potty in her underwear. Oh well, at least I can see that she has figured it out and this week has not been in vain :). So, no more buying diapers or changing them (for two months until the baby gets here) and I can look at her cute little butt in underwear :). I am very grateful that this week is just about behind me. Hallelujah.

We had the three girls rooms painted this week and they look so great!!! It was fun to get them all put together once they were painted. This one above is London's room and we did it in a pale yellow. She is now in a big girl bed and is doing really well. Her bedskirt is on backorder so that is why you can see the lovely box spring hanging out. In this picture she put her favorite stuffed animals to bed in her bed. She is definitely a character.

This is the baby's room - Savvy's room. We moved the crib in here from London's room and put in all the new crib bedding. I am loving it. I spent last night putting together the bassinet, the swing, the bouncy chair and all those fun baby items. We are just about ready!

This is Livy's room. She really wanted to pick out her paint color but I told her that after the experience with her and Eric picking the Tinkerbell Green paint for her last room - they both had lost their privileges for picking paint. So, her room was painted a pinkish brown that I love. I think I will use it in more of the house when we get around to painting the rest of the house. It looks really good with her bedding and all her white furniture.

This last picture I took is of Olivia and her teeth that we are getting fixed. She got a retainer put in on Monday that is spreading her mouth because her mouth is too small for all her teeth. We have a key that fits into the retainer and you turn it every night to slowly expand her mouth. She is not liking it at all, but it is nice to be getting it done now instead of high school. Then in a couple of weeks she will be getting her braces on. She is really excited about them. Obviously she doesn't realize that they are going to hurt just as much as the retainer. For some reason though, she thinks they are so cool. Anyway, she is just getting so big. I can't believe I will have a child in braces. Weird.
On to other news, Rachel is officially engaged!!! Braden Brown proposed to her last weekend and they are getting married on June 25th. So exciting. We all really like Braden and I am excited for the wedding. I am NOT excited to be in pictures or in a fitted dress just a month after having a baby. But, what do you do? I don't seem to have a say in the matter. Rachel is sending me a picture of her and Braden to post so you can all see the cute couple :).
This morning we had another addition to our extended family. Jamie went into labor and Gavin Hyde was born!!! As Ava would say - the baby finally popped out! He weighed 7 lbs. 14 oz. and was 19 inches long. We are so excited and I have already told Ryan that he needs to have pictures of Gavin posted on their blog by the end of the day!!!


Coleen said...

A few things

1) My good friend offered me $1000 to potty train her child, but I hate potty training so I declined the offer

2) Love that bedspread, Land of Nod? Just ordered that for Ani's room. I knew you had a good taste ;)

3) Only you could fit into a fitted dress a week after giving birth and look good

Other than that love all the happy news for the wonderful Hydes. We love all of you.

Ashley C. said...

hooray for potty training london. i think it may be the worst part of parenting hands down!

and your girls rooms look adorable!

congrats to rachel and i have no doubt in the world that you will look fantastic at the wedding.. as will she!

and i am dying to see pics of that little gavin.. ryan better get on that asap!

Unknown said...

It's fun to see what your kids are doing. The last time we played together Emily was only a few months old. Now we're each going to have our third.

Potty training sure has it's ups and downs. One of the hardest things for me is that once they are potty trained, you have to find a bathroom everywhere when you are out, and they can't just use their diapers anymore :-) Luckily we've been done with that for a while now. I'm not looking forward to the day I have to teach my little man how to use a toilet. That's going to be Forrest's job.

I'd love to get an email from you and see how you are doing.
