Livy and her favorite Se
nior Company Dancer Mariah.

Livy and Olivia with the Hip Hop Choreographer/Teacher

Livy with the head of the Hollywood Experience Dance Convention. (He also teaches at the Studio we go to)

Livy and Olivia

Livy, Olivia and Dream

All the girls from Mini Company - Olivia, Lily, Dream, Isabella,
Livy, Sofia, Makayla, Jenna and Lexi

Working on her technique in the conventions' ballet class.

Lunch in a conference room at the hotel where the convention was at.
So, I have been a horrible blogger lately. I just have not been in the mood. Anyway here is an update of our February. . . . The last two weekends Olivia has had dance competitions which have kept us very busy. We are really excited for this next weekend with nothing to do :). The first competition was a convention which is where they go to classes all day taught by famous choreographers/dancers and then at night is the competition part. So, they are VERY worn out by the end of the day. She had a really good time and they did great in the competition. This last weekend was just a competition - no classes - and they did three numbers which all got great awards. One of their numbers - Cool Rider - received first place overall for their division. Yeah!!! It is a lot of fun to watch all the dancing and Livy really has a great time. So, that is what all the above pictures are from. I didn't get any pics of her in her competition outfits because I was too busy changing her between dances. She will be doing these dances at recital so there will be plenty of pics then!
Other than dance - Livy's latest thing is that she is getting braces. Tomorrow she and I are going to get them on! She has had spacers for the last week to get ready for them. She is really excited and I think her enthusiasm will last until the day after she gets them on and feels the pain. Poor thing. Better now than in high school though :).
London is crazy as usual and is talking like crazy so there is always something funny that comes out of her mouth everyday. Lately she has been calling Eric - dad and Eric. It seems to just depend on her mood. If she is calling him Eric and you say - okay let's go get dad she then tells you that no she wants Eric. Eric has decided that dad is his usual name and Eric is his stage name (like Miley Cyrus and Hannah Montana). So, it just depends which one London wants at the moment. She is nuts. She is also really into animals. She has a webkinz Hippo and a Lion (she calls it Lucky Lion) that she carries everywhere and also HAS to sleep with. She is also really into singing and she makes me sing songs with her all day. We have to sing popcorn on the apricot tree, wheels on the bus, twinkle twinkle little star, the Dora the Explorer theme song and the Diego theme song. Let's just say I am really getting tired of those songs. I can't believe how big she is getting and I am realizing I need to start potty training her. Not something I am looking forward to.
As for me I had a fabulous Valentine's Day. Eric spoiled me with lots of wonderful gifts and took me to Houston's for dinner. I still can't stop thinking about that meal - it was SO good. He is so good to me. Always taking care of me and telling me to rest, which is what I seem to do a lot of these days as my stomach has gotten HUGE. I think in the last week my stomach has doubled in size. I really like having the baby inside and being able to sleep when I want but I think I would rather not be pregnant anymore and have the baby. I just want to get back to myself - although I don't know that that ever happens once you have children. The other thing that has been going on is I started going to church again. I finally have felt better and have been going back. After about two weeks back the first counselor in our bishopric called and gave me a calling in the primary and asked Eric and I to speak in sacrament meeting the next week. What kind of welcome back is that? I think I am still sick :).
Also this month my parents came in town for a little visit which we always love. London and Livy LOVE their Mimi and Papa. We didn't do much - just enjoyed one anothers company, ate lots of good food and one night we even got a babysitter and went to a movie!! I can't tell you the last time I went to the theatres. We saw Taken which I highly recommend. Okay, so I have babbled on long enough but that is what happens when you don't blog for a month. And, knowing myself lately it will probably be another month before I blog again - so see you then. By the way we finally decided on a name (I think) - Savannah Belle and Savvy for short. It does sound a little southern but we really like it. :)