Thursday, October 16, 2008

Just give me a moment please

Okay I need to vent. I hate being pregnant. Yes, I know that hate is a strong word, that is why I am using it. I really love the end product but the process is just miserable. I wish I was one of those cute moms who doesn't even notice that they are pregnant, who feels great and works out everyday until the day they deliver - but I am NOT. I have no energy, I want to sleep all day, I am nauseous all the time and the things that I normally enjoy (like Dr. Pepper) make me want to throw up!! Seriously do we have to completely turn my world upside down to do this? Another problem I have is that I don't mind not fitting into my clothes while I am pregnant but the fact that it takes almost a year AFTER I have the baby to get back into my regular clothes really ticks me off. Who wants to wear different sizes of clothes for a year and a half? And, who wants to spend money on those clothes? Okay, I am feeling a little bit better after letting that all out. I am really excited for the new little spirit that will be a part of our family but the process of getting them here needs to be changed!


Jamie said...

I agree!!! I have been having the hardest time! I have no energy at all! Food sounds SICK (and I love to eat) I'm always moody And Clothes, don't get me started! If I could be in sweats all day I would... cause Jeans are my worst enemy! actually any think that is Tight on my Body I hate!!

I am So Sorry... at least you know your not alone!

Brittany said...

True that! One of the first things I'm asking when I die is why the H$%# is pregnancy so dang difficult?

Emily said...

AMEN sister! Especially about the Dr. Pepper...ooooh that's bad! Ok the fat thing stinks too..but you never are, so no worries there.

The Young Family Inc. said...

oooohhhhh Amy. I am so sorry. You were so sweet to me when I was complaining about being so fat. I'm surprised you still talked to me. ha ha. And all I can say is that if anyone can lose that baby weight- it's you! Well, first Heidi Klum, and then you! Love you!

Adrianne said...

I am sorry we don't live closer so that your girls could come over and play. There is nothing quite like being miserably prego. Tylenol PM though was my best friend!! At least it helped me to sleep well at night!

Ashley C. said...

amen sister. i couldnt agree more!

Janie said...

Sorry Amy, I saw you in your swimsuit at the beach 3 months after you had London and you are entirely wrong about yourself - nice abs, no stretch marks - your body was made to have lots of babies and recover quickly. :)

Coleen said...

if it makes you feel better I am fatter than you right now...hang in there!

katie said...

Amy-I am so with you. I have four weeks left but I feel like it is 4 years away. Good thing it is all worth it in the end. I think it gets harder each time. Hang in there.

Higham Inc. said...

I completely agree! Of course there are those out there (like my sister-in laws) who wear their normal size jeans on the way home from the hospital...seriously so not fair.

Spencer Hyde said...

the best solution is just don't be fat. How many times have I told you that?

Lauren said...

Amy this is Catherine (Neibaur) I was about to say how are you? But it sounds like your good and bad all at the same time! I have been checking out your blog.. and my daughter London was so happy to see another London on the computer!!! I am so sorry you have been sick.. Pregnancy sucks rocks.. to put it delicately! When are you due? Your girls are the cutest little things ever! We have a blog that has not been updated in a while but at least you can see Tyler and London! Ryan said you are not cool enough to be on facebook, which is where I found him and then he gave me your blog.... I hope you don't mind! I would love you keep in touch. email me if you get a chance. I hope all goes well with the rest of your pregnancy, and I can't wait to hear from you! Love, Catherine